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(Delta 2007)
(Aquarius Records / Spona 2007)

1. T-Train Kick – Trad./Tomislav Goluban 2:37
with Pavle Golubić
2. Zagorski cug – M. Cvrk/M. Cvrk/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 3:10
feat. Jelena Balent, Ivica Vrdoljak «Iftach»
3. Mr. B. – T. Goluban/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 6:48
feat. Boško Petrović
4. 0,5 – T.Goluban/I. Kovačić/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 3:41
feat. Ante Prgin, Ivica Vrdoljak «Iftach»
5. Country Party – T. Goluban/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 3:24
6. Sv. Rok – T.Goluban/T. Goluban/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 3:12
7. Golden Fish – T. Goluban/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 3:09
feat. Mladen Ilić, Ante Prgin
8. Liza Jane – Trad./ T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 3:11
9. Brag To Brag – N.Herceg/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 2:23
feat. Boris Šaronja
10. See You Later Alligator – Robert Charles Guidry, Decca Records 5:26
feat. Ante Prgin
11. Polka Blues – K.Dobričević/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 2:58
12. Spread The News Around – Sonny Terry (Saunders Terrell), PRESTIGE-BMI 3:14
13. Jesus On The Mainline – Trad./ T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 4:28
feat. Ivica Kostelić, Ante Prgin
14. Ap/Lp Low Voltage – T.Goluban, A.Prgin/ T.Goluban, A.Prgin 2:27
with Ante Prgin
15. ForHill Train – M.Cvrk/M.Cvrk, B.Šlogar, T.Goluban/T.Goluban, N.Herceg, K.Dobričević 3:10
feat. Robert Lon Johnson
16. 0,5 Jam – T.Goluban/T.Goluban, N.Santro 3:40
feat. Ivica Kostelić, Boris Šaronja, Ivica Vrdoljak «Iftach»
Total playing time = 57:00

TOMISLAV GOLUBAN «Tomi Little Pigeon»: harmonicas, vocals, kazoo, jews harps
KRUNOSLAV DOBRIČEVIĆ «Krumpa»: acoustic & slide guitars, backing vocals
NIKOLA HERCEG «Nidzo»: el. bass guitar, backing vocals
NIKOLA SANTRO «Prof.»: trombone, percussions, el. piano

Special Guests:
Boško Petrović: vibes (3)
Ivica Kostelić: electric guitar (13,16), vocals (13)
Robert Lon Johnson: vocals (15)
Jelena Balent: backing vocals (2)
Ante Prgin: acoustic guitar (4,7,10,13,14), backing vocals (10)
Boris Šaronja: trumpet (9,16)
Mladen Ilić: percussions (7)
Ivica Vrdoljak «Iftach»: snare (2,4,16)
Pavle Golubić: drums (1)

Recorded & mixed by Davor Totović, «Kasandra studio» (August 2006 – April 2007)

Drugi album Tomislava Golubana & Little Pigeon’s ForHill Bluesa, zagorskih bluesera s jednim od najdužih imena hrvatske glazbene scene, naslovljen Mr. B., stvaran je u znoju i ljubavi pune dvije godine u namjeri i odluci da svijetu prikaže, velikim zvukom malog instrumenta, bogato glazbeno naslijede malog dijela još manje nam zemlje. Hrvatsko zagorje ima svoje blues ambasadore, a oni imaju krila. Little Pigeon’s ForHiII Blues spojili su tradiciju američkog Juga i korijene delta bluesa s autohtonim elementima zagorske glazbene baštine. Usudili su se zagorski cug postaviti uz bok vlakovima američkih prostranstava, do te mjere da suvremeni majstori žanra usnu harmoniku Tomislava Golubana usporeduju s onom Sonnyja Terryja. Mr. B. vas poziva na bluesersko putovanje dugo 57 minuta, dovoljnih da prijedete udaljenost dvaju kontinenata. Album je sniman od srpnja 2006. do veljače 2007. godine u studiju ”Kasandra” kod Marije Bistrice. Svjetlo dana ugledao je u lipnju tekuće godine u samostalnom izdanju članova benda. Vrlo dobre reakcije slušateljstva i kritike rezultirale su brzinskim potpisivanjem diskografskog ugovora, pa je tako Aquarius records u suradnji s diskografskom agencijom Spona album reizdao već u prosincu iste godine. Na njemu se nalazi ukupno 16 kompozicija, od čega je 9 autorskih, 3 tradicionalna napjeva i 4 obrade. Uz lidera sastava Tomislava Golubana i njegovu eksplozivnu usnu harmoniku, Little Pigeon’s ForHill Blues čine Krunoslav Dobričević — Krumpa (gitare), Nikola Herceg Nidžo (el. bas) i Nikola Santro — Prof. (trombon, perkusije, el. piano). Instrumentima, glasovima, iskustvom i entuzijazmom albumu su svoj pečat dali i posebni gosti: Boško Petrović (vibrafon), Ivica Kostelić (el. gitara, vokal), Robert Lon Johnson (vokal), Jelena Balent (vokal), Ante Prgin (ak. gitara), Boris Šaronja (truba), Mladen Ilić (perkusije), Ivica Vrdoljak (doboš) i Pavle Golubić (bubanj). Unikatan spoj Zagorja i delta bluesa provjerite na pjesmama: T-TRAIN KICK, ZAGORSKI CUG, MR. B., 0,5, COUNTRY PARTY, SV. ROK, GOLDEN FISH, LIZA JANE, BRAG TO BRAG, SEE YOU LATER ALLIGATOR, POLKA BLUES, SPREAD THE NEWS AROUND, JESUS ON THE MAINLINE, AP/LP LOW VOLTAGE, FORHILL TRAIN, O,5 JAM.

Little Pigeon’s ForHill Blues su svojim debi albumom odali počast velikanima bluesa poput Sonnyja Terryja, Big Joea Williamsa i Roberta Johnsona. Ne samo da su svojim zvukom, od samog početka djelovanja, duboko ukorijenjeni u nasljede delta bluesa, već su poput spomenutih velikana boravili u studiju kratko i efikasno. Drugi album je obično onaj na kojem se lome koplja. To je poglavlje u kojem dolazi do duboke autorske i izvodačke dileme kojim putem krenuti dalje. U slučaju Little Pigeon ‘s ForHill Bluesa, alfa i omega benda, pjevač i harmonikaš Tomislav Goluban odlučio je istražiti koliko se sličnosti krije izmedu zagorskog folka i američkog bluesa. Više nego težak zadatak, čak i kad bi se gledao samo istraživački dio posla, a kamoli stvaranje jedinstvene glazbene atmosfere. To je i razlog zbog čega se na ‘Mr. B.-a’ čekalo toliko dugo. Je li se isplatilo? Itekako! Potpuno je uhvaćena boja i miris ili točnije ozračje Hrvatskog zagorja. Goluban je kroz ‘Zagorski cug’ i ‘0,5’ ocrtao mentalitet podneblja, dok glazbeno miješanje countryja i bluesa samo pojačava efekt autentičnosti. Po pitanju instrumentala situacija je još bolja. Naslovna pjesma traje skoro sedam minuta, a u najboljoj maniri ‘Albatrossa’ grupe Fleetwood Mac, Golubi majstorski dočaravaju ljetnu zagorsku siestu, dok komunikacija izmedu vibrafona Boška Petrovića i Golubanove harmonike omogućuje slušatelju da opušteno otpluta u dubinu vlastitih misli. Tu su također i ‘raspašoj’ instrumentali poput ‘Polka Bluesa’ i ‘Country Partyja’ koji su zarazni svojom jednostavnošću i poletnošcu, ali su u potpunosti oslobodeni balkanskog glazbenog kiča. ‘Mali golub’ je ojačao i hrabro se oslonio na svoje noge, pardon, krila. Njegovu endemsku vrijednost bi trebalo prepoznati na vrijeme, a ne kako to biva na ovim prostorima, da se buka diže samo kad ptičice prelete u toplije krajeve.   ZORAN STAJČIĆ (lipanj, 2007.)

Listening to the Little Pigeon’s ForHill Blues (Mr. B.) recording was a breath of’ clean air in a world of Blues thaťs lost a lot of originality. To hear the expression of my culture’s music with the vitality of expression and Croatian feel is one of the reasons I think this CD understands and respects the concept of what we think Blues should be, not to be a carbon of a recording but the expression of your roots — blended with ours. The harmonica playing is truly original, Sonny Terry, Hamie Nixon, Tomislav Goluban — understanding and sympathy and respect. ”Hats Off” to you guys!! “Philadelphia” JERRY RICKS (svibanj 2007, SAD)

«Mr. B. is an engaging self-released disc from Croatian country blues group Little Pigeon’s ForHill Blues. Tomislav Goluban is an accomplished unamplified harp player with a broad tonal palette capable of expressive melodic work («Mr. B.») and propulsive rhythms («T-Train Kick»). Krunoslav Dobricevic’s acoustic guitar shifts between driving the band and adoring the music with bright, well-conceived leads. The rhythm section keeps things simple; drummer Nikola Santro does triple duty, turning in trombone and a vibes-like electric piano. The generally upbeat songs sport occasional pop flourishes («Sv.Rok», «Golden Fish»), and, while hearing blues sung in Goluban’s native tongue is initially disorienting, his unaffected, emotional style quickly overcomes any objections.» Blues Revue, THE WORLD’S BLUES MAGAZINE, Dec/Jan 2008 (USA),

“Harmonica is a popular instrument in the blues. The problem is that most guys playing it are trying to re-create Little Walter’s Chicago sound or William Clarke’s West Coast feel forgetting about more traditional styles of harmonica playing. And this is the part where Tomislav Goluban comes in. Croatia’s no. 1 harp player sounds like he has spent hours listening to Sonny Terry’s records but, what’s even more important, building his own musical identity on a base provided by his master. Tomislav’s harmonica has a fat and full-bodied sound mixing so well with acoustic background provided by ForHill Blues. Their music blends together country blues and traditional Croatian sounds resulting in a CD that is fun and entertaining. If you love the blues but you’re fed up with the same old thing played the same old way get “Mr. B.” now – country blues has never sounded so fresh! Przemek Draheim, Polish Blues & Gospel Radio Host, October 2007 (Poland),

Mr. B, the second album of Tomislav Goluban and Little Pigeon’s Forhill Blues — Zagorje’s bluesers with one of the longest names on the Croatian music scene, is here at last. It was created with sweat and love for two full years, out of determination to present to the world with the strong sound of a small instrument – the rich musical heritage of a small region of an even smaller country. Croatia’s Zagorje has its own blues ambassadors, and they have wings.
Little Pigeon’s ForHill Blues have fused tradition of the American south and the roots of delta blues with original elements of Zagorje’s musical heritage. They have dared to put the small, nameless Zagorje train side by side with the legendary and expansive American trains, to the extent that the modern masters of blues are comparing Tomislav Goluban’s harp playing to that of Sonny Terry’s. Mr. B is inviting you on a blues adventure, 57 min in length – adequate to cross the distance of 2 continents. Enjoy the ride! The album was recorded from July 2006 to February 2007 at Studio “Kasandra” near Marija Bistrica, Croatia and has been released independently by the members of the band. The satisfied reactions of listeners and critics alike has resulted in a prompt signing of a recording contract, and as such Aquarius records in collaboration with the agency Spona had already re-released the album in December of the same year. The album contains 16 tracks, out of which 9 are original compositions by Tomislav Goluban and the rest of the band members, 3 are well known traditional songs and 4 are remakes. In addition to front man Tomislav Goluban and his explosive harp, Little Pigeon’s Forhill Blues is also comprised of Krunoslav Dobricevic— Krumpa (acoustic guitar), Nikola Herceg – Nidzo (electric bass) and Nikola Santro – Profesor (slide trombone, percussion, electric piano). Much appreciated contributions to the album were also made by these special guests, whether it be with their instruments, vocals, experience, enthusiasm: Bosko Petrovic (vibra- phone), Ivica Kostelic (el. guitar, vocal), Robert Lon Johnson (vocal), Jelena Balent (vocal), Ante Prgin (ac. guitar), Boris Saronja (trumpet), Mladen Ilic (percussion), Ivica Vrdoljak (snar) and Pavle Golubic (drums).

With their debut album, Tomislav Goluban and Little Pigeon’s ForHill Blues have payed tribute to the masters of blues such as Sonny Terry, Big Joe Williams and Robert Johnson. Not only has their sound from the very beginning been deeply anchored in the heritage of delta blues, but they have also much like the mentioned masters spent effective time in the studio. The second albums is usually the one that paves the road. That’s the chapter which leads to deep writer’s and perfomer’s dilemma in the sense of which direction to take next. In case of Little Pigeon’s ForHill Blues, band’s alfa and omega, singer and harp player — Tomislav Goluban decided to research on similarities that might be hidden behind zagorje’s folk and america’s blues. More than a challenging task, even when solely looking at the research part of the task, let alone creating a unique musical atmosphere. That’s the reason why Mr. B. has been so long awaited. Was it worth it? Definitely! The color and smell, or more precisely, the feeling of Croatian Zagorje has been fully captured on this album. With ‘Zagorje’s train’ and ‘0,5’ Goluban has described the mentality of the region, while the musical mix of country and blues only strengthens the effect of authenticity. As far as the instrumentals are concerned, the situation gets even better. The lead in single is almost seven minutes long and in the best manner of the Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Albatross’, the Pigeons masterfully and skillfuly depict Zagorje’s summer siesta, while the communication between Bosko Petrovic’s vibraphone and Goluban’s harmonica enables the listener to calmly drift into the depth of one’s own thoughts. Also, there are grooving instrumentals such as ‘Polka Blues’ and ‘Country Party’, which are infectious with their simplicity and perkyness, but entirely free of Balkan musical tackiness. Little Pigeon has gained strength and bravely leaned on his feet, pardon — wings. His endemic value should be recognized right on time, and not, as it usually happenes here, that the noise is raised only after the birds have flown away to warmer and more hospitable lands.


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