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200$ SUN Memphis Album CD / DOWNLOAD


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01. Grabrovec – Tennessee 2:06 (Tomislav Goluban / Robert Grubić / Tomislav Goluban)
02. Amazing Grace 2:21 (Trad. / Instr. / Tomislav Goluban)
03. The Rakija Song 2:36 (John Kruth / John Kruth (with an additional verse by Robin
Williamson) / John Kruth), Courtesy of Sonic Kruth (BMI)
04. Sunset Jam 3:24 (Tomislav Goluban)
05. Boogie Jam 2:57 (Tomislav Goluban)
06. Mighty Long Time 5:06 (Sonny Boy Williamson) Published by Arc Music Corp
07. Memphis Sara 3:50 (Tomislav Goluban / Dražen Buhin / Joe Filisko, Eric Noden)
08. 0,5 Live 4:13 (Tomislav Goluban / Ivan Kovačić / Tomislav Goluban)
09. Pigeon’s Flight Live 1:42 (Tomislav Goluban, Ante Prgin / Instr. / Tomislav Goluban)
10. Išel budem v kleticu Live 2:36 (Trad. / Instr. / Tomislav Goluban)
11. T-Train Live 3:19 (Trad. / Instr. / Tomislav Goluban)
12. Mr. B. Live 4:13 (Tomislav Goluban)

Bonus Video:
01. Trip to Memphis 26:29 (Recorded by Davor Batisweiler & Zoran Stajčić, Directed by Zoran Stajčić)

TOTAL VIDEO (data) = 26:29

Novi, četvrti po redu album usnoharmonikaša Tomislava Golubana je pred vama. Riječ je o unikatnom projektu brzinski snimljenom u legendarnom Sun studiju u Memphisu prilikom nastupa na blues natjecanju. Goluban je bio prvi hrvatski glazbenik koji je snimao u istoj prostoriji s identičnim interijerom u kojoj su svoje antologijske snimke 50-ih godina napravili Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, B. B. King, Howlin’ Wolf, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Rufus Thomas…
200$ SUN Memphis Album sadrži 12 pjesama i preko 25 minuta dokumentarnog filmskog materijala iz Memphisa uključujući i prvi videospot s albuma za pjesmu Grabrovec – Tennessee.
Velika želja većine američkih i posebno neameričkih bluezera nedvojbeno je posjetiti deltu rijeke Mississippi i osijetiti miris, okus i feeling ulica i podneblja u kojem je Blues nastao. Moja se želja za deltom realizirala početkom veljače 2009. kada sam kao predstavnik Hrvatskih blues snaga nastupio na međunarodnom blues natjecanju „25th International Blues Challenge“ u Memphisu. Svirati u klubovima na legendarnom Beale Streetu, imati priliku snimati u Sun studiju te putovanje završiti u Chicagu, za mene, bluzera iz Zagorja, bilo je nevjerojatno ostvarenje – ostvareni san. Tijekom tog putovanja dogodile su se mnoge stvari od kojih neke možete čuti na ovom albumu. Zahvalio bih ekipi koja je bila sa mnom u Memphisu i Chicagu (Buha, Bizi, Batis i Šokre), svima onima koji su me podupirali iz Lijepe naše, mom „Chicago bratu“ Joeu Filisku te ekipi iz Blues Foundationa (posebno Jayu i Priscilli). Vidjeli smo puno, veselili se, čuli izvanredne glazbenike, upoznali predivne ljude i naučili puno o životu na cesti. Uz sve to, doma smo donijeli i sliku i ton.
Dokumetarni film Grabrovec – Tennessee snimljen je zahvaljujući ideji Dražena Buhina i kameri Davora Batisweilera. Naknadno je sve skupa doradio i montirao Zoran Stajčić.
/Tomislav Goluban, Grabrovec, kolovoz 2010./

The fourth Tomislav Goluban album is now out. It is an unique project, quickly put together, in the Sun studio, Memphis, Tennessee, during Goluban’s visit to a blues contest. Goluban is the first Croatian musician who recorded in the same room, with an authentic interior, where Elvis, Johnny Cash, B.B. King, Howlin’ Wolf, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Rufus Thomas among others, recorded their memorable tracks during the 50-ties.
200$ SUN Memphis Album contains 12 tracks and more than 25 minutes of documentary footage from Memphis, including the first video for the „Grabrovec – Tennessee“ song.
It is the beyond the doubt, ultimate desire for the most of US and especially non-US bluesers, to visit the Mississippi delta, feel the scent, the taste and feeling of the streets and the ambience where blues originally comes from. My dream for delta came true in February 2009 when I was the representative of Croatian blues forces taking part in „25th International Blues Challenge“ in Memphis. Playing in clubs at legendary Beale Street, having a chance to record at Sun studio, ending the trip in Chicago, all that was a dream coming true, a great achievement for a bluesmen like me. During that trip, numerous tracks have happened, and some of them you can hear in this album. I would like to thank to the crew which was right beside me in Memphis and Chicago (Buha, Bizi, Batis and Šokre), to all those who supported me from Croatia, my Chicago bro Joe Filisko and the people from Blues Foundation (especially Jay and Priscilla). We have seen a lot, had a good time, heard some extraordinary musicians, met wonderful people and learnt a lot about the life on the road. With all that, we have brought some sound and some motion pictures along.
The documentary “Grabrovec – Tennessee“ was taken thanks to the idea of Dražen Buhin and the camera of the Davor Batisweiler. Finally, at was all edited in Croatia by Zoran Stajčić.
/Tomislav Goluban, Grabrovec, Croatia, August 2010./

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